If you have downloaded a MOBI file from this website and would like to add it to your Kindle eReader, here’s how to do it:
- Download the ebook MOBI by clicking on the link on the relevant page
- Connect your Kindle to your computer with the USB cable that came with it
- Open Windows Explorer (or the Finder on a Mac) – the thing you use to lists drives and folders
- You’ll see your Kindle listed alongside the hard drives in your system. It will be called Kindle, or something similar. Click it to open it, then find the folder inside called /my files/documents
- Copy the MOBI ebook file you downloaded into that folder (you should be able to drag and drop it)
- Eject the Kindle device, and away you go.
If you have any other kind of eReader device or App, you should download the EPUB file. Follow your eReader device or App’s instructions for loading the file once downloaded.