After a slight delay, Noah’s Ark: Voyage is now out in paperback. Seeing the book in print brings home just how much longer it is than the other books in the series. You can order from, and all good book shops. If your local store doesn’t have any in stock, they can order it… Continue reading Voyage Out In Paperback
Author: admin
A Better Writing Tool
I do a lot of DIY. I wouldn’t call it a hobby, I don’t think I enjoy it enough for that. I do spend a significant amount of time getting my hands dirty though. I’ve built and rendered block walls, I’ve done insulation, dry-walling, plastering, and lots and lots of painting. I’ve ripped up and… Continue reading A Better Writing Tool
FFF: Body Parts
This is my inaugural Flash Fiction Friday post, a (hopefully) regular feature where I share some very short stories.
Harry’s Blog
After much deliberation, and a good deal of inner monologue, I have decided to start a blog. It’s a place where I can spew out random thoughts, link to things I like and that I think my readers might enjoy, and also where I can shamelessly promote my books as they are released (like Noah’s… Continue reading Harry’s Blog